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***Please note that we only provide electronic software delivery (ESD) for most of our software products***

Benefits of Electronic Software Distribution (ESD)

The benefits from an efficient and effective ESD service.

These benefits include:

  • Reduced costs and time for software provisioning to remote sites in various different locations
  • Optimal resource provisioning for specific IT infrastructure and business requirements
  • Helping ensure the most productive utilization of IT
  • Improved IT resource utilization and enhanced service delivery
  • Automated management of software updates and patches while significantly reducing costs and time to respond for software (patch) installations in an IT environment
  • Quick delivery of value with automation of common tasks for leading products , making available the right software resources to the right processes and people at the right time
  • Improving systems availability by facilitating the health-check of the IT environment through updates to security policies and various IT business processes
  • Helping security by ensuring that IT assets, confidentiality, and data integrity are protected
  • Assisting in maintaining client satisfaction through reliable and predictable service delivery
  • Improving reliability and management of an IT environment